👋🏻 Hello!

I'm a frontend developer from Moscow. I love Vue, clean code, and beautiful design.

<section class="flex items-center justify-between gap-x-8 py-8">
  <div class="flex max-w-[27rem] flex-col gap-y-8">
    <h1>👋🏻 Привет!</h1>
      Я — фронтенд разработчик из Москвы.
      Люблю Vue, чистый код и красивый дизайн.
    <UiContactMeButton />
  <TheHeroCode />




Frontend Developer

Vue 3

Pacific Studio

Pacific Studio

Lead of Development Team / Frontend Developer

Tailwind CSS
Vue 3
Nuxt 3


Olha Dekor

Olha Dekor

Landing for manufacturer of exclusive furniture and wood interiors

Tailwind CSS
Vue 2
Nuxt 2


Promo site for wholesale and retail supplier of oil products

Tailwind CSS
Vue 2
Nuxt 2
High Quality Store

High Quality Store

Online shop of brand clothing under the oonyxx franchise

Vue 2

Personal Projects



VS Code snippets for Vue 3 ecosystem

VS Code

Tech e-commerce

Graduation work on the topic "Tech e-commerce"

Vue 3
Nuxt 3
Tailwind CSS

My restaurant

Course work on the topic "Information and reference system of the restaurant

Tailwind CSS
Vue 2
Nuxt 2

About Me

My name is Vasily Kuzin,

I'm 22 years old. I have extensive experience working with various frameworks and technologies in web development. I professionally master Nuxt 3 and Tailwind CSS, and bring my design ideas to life using Sketch.

In pursuit of continuously improving my skills, I actively explore and implement the latest technologies. TypeScript caught my attention with its ability to enhance code stability and readability, and for convenient database interaction, I have started using Drizzle ORM. These tools have become an integral part of my technological arsenal, inspiring me to create more efficient and powerful web applications.

I am convinced that the website I build will serve as an excellent example of my development approach, which is why I have opened access to its source code on the GitHub platform.

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